Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Assault on the Backlog

I will be using this blog to chronicle my assault on my video game backlog. I have been carrying a backlog since the PS1 era, and it really grew towards the end of the PS2 era as Blockbuster was divesting itself of games for next to nothing. My rate of consumption slowed during the PS3 era when I went to law school, and in the last few years I had a daughter and moved up at work. Now that my life has settled down again, I am working my way through the massive backlog I have accumulated (thanks Steam). A few rules:

1) I will not be playing these games in any order. There are a few that I really want to get to, and I will play those first.

2) I will not play all games to completion, I will move on if it doesn't hold my interest.

3) There are still new games that I want to play, I will be discussing these as they avoid becoming part of the backlog.

I generally play RPGs, this means that my backlog is huge in terms of game hours to complete, I have no illusions that I will actually eliminate my backlog.


  1. You forgot the most important bit: Which game is first? I just rolled my a random number on my GOG account. Looks like I'm playing Wizardry 6.

  2. Good point, I added sections for Upcoming Games and Currently Working On over to the right.
